Friday, July 18, 2014

Chapter 42: The great silence after Compline

Silence should be sought at all times by monks and nuns and this is especially important for them at night time. (From para. 1 of Ch. 42 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

"Lead us into that mysterious silence where Your love is revealed to all who call." These words of the opening prayer call me to attention and call me to heart-centeredness. The practice of meditation moves me gradually toward experiencing life from the silent place in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Silence is so hard to come by these days and you see it in families where technology has taken over quiet times. Ipods and iphones and computers are seen being used by family members even by young children in place of quiet times.
    More and more, I realize with myself that the seed of love cannot grow out of noise, or distractions. Silence needs to be sought out beyond the times of meditation. Silence must overflow into everything I do, like water, nourishing my soul, my mind, my activities, and my words. It is through silence that I will see the signs of Christ's presence in everyone and everything around me. How can I do that for myself? The mantra and the breath bring me to silence throughout the day.
