Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chapter 46: Faults committed elsewhere

It is, however, important that, if the cause of wrongdoing lies in a sinful secret of conscience, it should be revealed only to the superior or one of those in the community with recognized spiritual experience and understanding, who will know the way to the healing of their own wound and those of others without exposing them in public. (Para. 2 of Ch. 46 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

To experience that most secret part of myself, and to respect it in others, seems to be a part of the paradox of being in true and divinized relationship.

1 comment:

  1. “You are as sick as your secrets” goes the 12-Step adage, echoing what Benedict says here. You invite me, Abba, to share my faults and their secret roots with a competent brother or sister and find once again the path to your open, healing arms.
