Thursday, August 21, 2014

Chapter 68: The response to orders that seem impossible

If the superior after listening to this submission still insists on the original command then the junior must accept that it is the right thing and with loving confidence in the help of God obey. (From Ch. 68 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

Simply stated, I must live each moment with this much trust in God.


  1. Looking at them, it seems impossible that this worm can become a splendid butterfly or this single acorn a giant oak tree. But that’s what my dying can lead to, Abba, whenever I surrender and meet any seemingly impossible challenge you send me.

  2. Sometimes a twice daily meditation seems like an "impossible" command. But I trust the wisdom of the command and do my best to obey.

  3. In and with the help of God , trusting in His Providence , I change my mind. It comes for me in letting go of what I hold and see as good forgetting that for others it is not seen as good in that way. I do not live for myself nor by myself. Meditation every day shapes me that way as part of the loving community of God.
