Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Chapter 61: Monastic pilgrims from far away (paragraphs 2-3)

But if no such negative signs are apparent it may be right to go further and not wait for a request to be accepted into the community. It may even be right to persuade such a one to stay so that others may benefit and learn from such example. (From paragraph 2 of Ch. 61 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry,OSB.)

My life is silently clamoring to expand into more and more relationships, in order to find the best in others.


  1. “In these half hours we seek to live the eternal moment. We seek to set aside everything that is passing away and live in the eternity of God.” (John Main, “Way of Unknowing”, Kindle loc 1084). This is the destination and the way of my pilgrimage: the present moment and you, Abba, here, now, Being and Love itself within me.

  2. "If a pilgrim monastic coming from a distant region let her be received for as long a time as she desires, provided she is ... simply content with what she finds."

    I find it hard to simply be content with what I find. It is easy to fall into judging. Meditation helps me recognize this fault when it occurs. At least, most of the time.
