Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Chapter 27: The superior's care for the excommunicated

1 comment:

  1. These are tough chapters. They call to the deepest kind of concern for another person who may be heading towards self-destruction, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I cannot pretend that I have any answers in order to make hard decisions about another person’s welfare even in my own family.

    The test for me now after many years is not to give into feelings of failure and weakness, but to look to Christ to whom Benedict is constantly directing me in the Rule and to whom I open my heart in meditation.

    Does it mean I have answers today? No, but I Iike what Jean Vanier says in Community and Growth, that in a community, there is an acceptance of insignificance and a gratitude for the“seeds of eternity” which are small and visible in daily gestures of love and forgiveness. There is where my concern can show itself for the other, in the daily love and forgiveness gestures.
