Monday, June 26, 2017

Chapter 19: Our approach to prayer

All of us, then, should reflect seriously on how to appear before the majesty of God in the presence of his angels. That will lead us to make sure that, when we sing in choir, there is complete harmony between the thought in our mind and the meaning of the words we sing. (From Ch. 19 of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry OSB, 1997.)

I'm so often unfocussed and fragmented in my thoughts, not fully present in my body, and mesmerized by my emotions. But Benedict's instructions, just like the practice of the mantra, present me with a way of integration, of integrity, of living fully in the present and in the presence.

1 comment:

  1. “ . . . every time that we truly pay attention, we destroy evil in ourselves. If one pays attention with this intention, a quarter of an hour of attention is very good work.” (Simone Weil “Awaiting God”, Translation by Bradley Jersak, Chapter 1). Abba, forgive me and heal my thought and image addictions. Destroy the evil within me. Teach me the patience and humility of Attention, how to do this “very good work.
