Monday, August 14, 2017

Chapter 60: The admission of priests into the monastery

An ordained priest who asks to be received into the monastery should not be accepted too quickly. If, however, he shows real perseverance in his request, he must understand that, if accepted, he will be bound to observe the full discipline of the Rule and may expect no relaxations. (From para. 1 of Ch. 60 Of Saint Benedict's Rule, trans. by Patrick Barry, OSB, 1997.)

My ego wants to set me above and apart; the Spirit wants to set me down to serve.


  1. Abba, Benedict brings up short again today reminding me of your jarring Word telling me that unless I turn and become like a little child, I shall not enter your Kingdom. Turn me, Father. Heal my arrogant, ego-sealed heart. Open it to your silent presence.


  2. “The Rule is here to help us face the challenge of doing less and being more.” (Andrew, Meditation House). Committing to two—and occasionally three—periods of my day to just being with you, Abba, frightened me when I first heard of it a few years ago. My “busy” life made it appear impossible. Like the rich young man in the Gospel, I was ready to go away sad. What a surprise to discover that, after these few years of practicing this twice-daily discipline, this simple, tiny, way of dying, of “selling what I have”, would give me such unimaginable peace and joy.
